Saturday, December 31, 2016

Friday, December 30, 2016

a dreadful day

c. 2010

my purple face
c. 2010

alpha origins

* disclaimer

the first few thousand photos or so that i will task my blog with displaying to you are from my very first 'real' camera. real in the sense that i thought i was cool because i'd spent money on a camera. shout out to evan gibson, i think he had the first cool sony i ever saw. it might have been him whom i'd purchased the camera from. the a200. i purchased a minolta 50mm lens to go along with it. the bokeh...mmmmmmmmmmmmm...

the lens left little room for comfort. for that reason, i enjoyed getting in people's faces, or having them photograph me:

no photo here, keep scrolling

*shout out ms. van allen and the highland high school photography club in 2009.

this image was shot with a canon ae-1 which i'd eventually steal and get in trouble for...ooooooooooooo...


one more time (highlighter)



i heard in a podcast the other day that nostalgia is not something we should dwell on. the argument was that it strays us from the present, the way things really are. they attributed the rise in nostalgia-related consumer goods being bought to rates of depression among millenials and later generations. i think it's bullshit.

it left me say the least. however, anyone with an open mind deals with confliction on a daily basis: how quick should i be to judge the lady in line at DD's, who happens to be singing opera at the top of her lungs? is she crazy? or are we all?

here's andrew in 2011.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

notes on narratives

we used to move our bodies. it's the only thing you can really do to bare the cold. east coast–ers i'm sorry.

the playlist around this time:

      • the postal service
      • my chemical romance
      • feist
      • charles hamilton
      • dead man's bones
      • mac miller
      • murs
      • coldplay

I was story telling

these images were part of a photo-video collage i made while i was doing my first graphic design related course ever at college of the canyons. i think i got a C in that class. here's why:

"problems hit the gym they all work out"

- drake quote on white board

here is proof that i turned 19 once

death to birth

this wasn't a happy day. i know i'm not senseless. i'm not senseless. 

it must have been my uncle's birthday, around the time this nation was birthed. he'd passed maybe a year ago. in honor of his passing, i'm going to make a drawing for my mother commemorating the lives of my grandmother, grandfather, and uncle, whose lives came to an abrupt end very close to one another. i'll frame it and it'll look nice. that is what i'm working on.


where did all the birds go

december. reminds me of birds. not because they're not around, but because they're all leaving. packing their bags and adapting to the climate. imagine we had to do that as humans? it shows our dominance. as scary as that may be to most.

december. it's never cold in orange county. not as cold as home. and there's damn sure more to do out here. but I don't do that. i like being home. my home. that's what I consider it. Palmdale. you know the hospital I was born in doesn't even exist anymore?

father, son, and the holy board
c. 2013

a picture is worth 5 words or less

jose contreras just updated his status

i think i'm gonna start posting pictures now

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

i'm under the impression that i'm already doing this wrong

hello people,

this is a new blog I've decided to start. i made it today. this is a fact.

for those of you who would even bother visiting this page, hello. i probably have not spoken to you in awhile. we should talk.

if this first post is not enough to turn you off and you find yourself tuning in with me weekly, bare with me as I try to create a sufficient blog to meet the standards of both you and I.

first off, I like Patrick O'Dell. that's why I decided to start a blog in the first place. he uses writing and pictures. no this is not a new thing, but I think the way he presents the material says something. it's a kind of dark thing he says that most wouldn't speak of in public--typedealthing...yeah.

i'm going to post old and new photographs, drawings, videos, works and whatever pretty randomly, and hopefully once a week. some of them are cool some of them are more personal and you won't get. for that I'm sorry. maybe you'll get something out of what I write?

i look forward to trying.



"Always remember to water your plants" - Warren

this should be a picture of a pink rose just imagine

this year

use your highlighter