Friday, December 30, 2016

alpha origins

* disclaimer

the first few thousand photos or so that i will task my blog with displaying to you are from my very first 'real' camera. real in the sense that i thought i was cool because i'd spent money on a camera. shout out to evan gibson, i think he had the first cool sony i ever saw. it might have been him whom i'd purchased the camera from. the a200. i purchased a minolta 50mm lens to go along with it. the bokeh...mmmmmmmmmmmmm...

the lens left little room for comfort. for that reason, i enjoyed getting in people's faces, or having them photograph me:

no photo here, keep scrolling

*shout out ms. van allen and the highland high school photography club in 2009.

this image was shot with a canon ae-1 which i'd eventually steal and get in trouble for...ooooooooooooo...

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