Wednesday, December 28, 2016

i'm under the impression that i'm already doing this wrong

hello people,

this is a new blog I've decided to start. i made it today. this is a fact.

for those of you who would even bother visiting this page, hello. i probably have not spoken to you in awhile. we should talk.

if this first post is not enough to turn you off and you find yourself tuning in with me weekly, bare with me as I try to create a sufficient blog to meet the standards of both you and I.

first off, I like Patrick O'Dell. that's why I decided to start a blog in the first place. he uses writing and pictures. no this is not a new thing, but I think the way he presents the material says something. it's a kind of dark thing he says that most wouldn't speak of in public--typedealthing...yeah.

i'm going to post old and new photographs, drawings, videos, works and whatever pretty randomly, and hopefully once a week. some of them are cool some of them are more personal and you won't get. for that I'm sorry. maybe you'll get something out of what I write?

i look forward to trying.



"Always remember to water your plants" - Warren

this should be a picture of a pink rose just imagine

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