Saturday, May 20, 2017

dec. 18, 2016

on this day, one of the most important college professors i've ever had passed away. kevin jenkins was a huge stepping stone in my journey as a graphic designer; he was one of those professors who wanted to see you shine, wanted to see you succeed. the design program at college of the canyons would not be what it is today without his hard work and dedication to it.

he once wrote me an email that had me smiling from ear to ear; a simple one to congratulate me on a great semester. i'm sure he did not know the impact it had on me. i printed it and kept it in my files ever since. i look at it when i'm unsure if graphic design is for me. but he instilled passion and confidence in me, i'll always remember him for that.

he got me to do some work for an author that actually got published. my first piece of graphic design in the real world. i sent him a text to come to the book signing. he never responded. it was probably too late by then.

kevin jenkins i will miss you. sorry for not ever going out for lunch like you wanted. that is my only regret.


flamboyant as heaven
james "kevin" jenkins

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