Friday, September 22, 2017

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


there are 3 hurricanes in the atlantic right now. one of them has my name, well not just my name but the dude across the table as well. brown tables are a standard. what's so special about brown? maybe it's natural. mother nature. like the hurricanes.

she's mad at us and that sounds creepy to say
because mother nature isn't actually my mother she's everyones mother but not really. we don't say happy mother's day, mother nature. we might start because these hurricanes are some fucked up shit.

there's a facebook page that details an upcoming event: point all your fans at the hurricane so that we can blow it away. i thought that was hilarious.

back to the atlantic.

mother nature went into some tough labor today. irma, jose, and kita i think? who's the wise guy that decided we should name hurricanes. why don't we name tornadoes or their fucked up cousins the dust devil. maybe because they're dirty.

my heart goes out to those in the caribbean right now.

Friday, September 1, 2017

a square is calculated

i'm a walking contradiction
my clothes are usually bright and alive with color

but most days, i'm quiet

and reclusive

which is why i like the square
which is why i like black
black is unquestionably black
and a square is calculated; you know its dimension

the black square comforts me, there is no room for confusion

no room for questions.

