Sunday, August 27, 2017

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Joey Diaz said that if you can't think of anything to write, write about the things you hate.

i hate that (some) weed makes you lazy.
i hate when people don't want to be friends with you unless
  you're a love interest.
i hate my job.
i hate sitting for long hours and i hate heat and humidity.
i hate washing dishes.
i hate when people stare at you at the gym or when they stand
  around doing nothing.
i hate when they don't know how to use the machines properly.
i hate being stuck.
i hate being stagnant.
i hate long hours.
i hate the feeling of 'working for the man'.
i hate how difficult it is to eat with braces.
i hate that so much of the world is misunderstood and will remain
  so for the rest of my time on it.
i hate not traveling.
i hate money as a concept.
i hate roaches.
i hate stuck up ass people.
i hate know-it-alls.
i hate not being able to swim.
i hate subtweets.
i hate impatience.
i hate not finishing projects.
i hate unacknowledged ignorance.
i hate fear.
i hate feeling ashamed.

i think as i've grown older, i've spent more of my time learning to love things. because what the fuck is the point of wasting so much of our tiny, short, little lives fuckin hating EVERYTHING! the emotional difference between love and hate is literally the same as that of good and evil.

blah, blah, blah.

here's to finishing projects...